Hello, guys. Welcome back to my blog, Bang Firman’s Blog.
In this special occasion, let me tell you another side of my traveling experiences. But first, let me ask all of you a question. Have you ever felt so difficult and confused to get a ride to reach your favorite traveling spots? Wherever it is. Have you?
Me? Yass! I ever felt that and I still imagine how awkward was the situation that time to reach one of my wishlist traveling spots. Huft 🙁 But, at the end of the day, I could visit that place successfully even it needed a little bit hard work.
It was in the beginning of the year 2016, when I and my friend decided to go to Jogja/Yogyakarta as our next holiday trip destination. Why did we choose Jogja as our holiday destination? Because all of us know that Jogja is a bustling city of some half a million people and the most popular tourist destination on Java, largely thanks to its proximity to the temples of Borobudur and Prambanan. On top of that, Jogja is a hub of art and education which also offers some good shopping and has a wide range of tourist facilities.

Screenshot from my Instagram feeds, January 2016.
But, for me Jogja is way more than just a city or a province. It’s a paradise of a bunch unique cultures, kind-hearted people and interesting tourist spots, especially when it comes to ‘hidden paradise’. One of ‘hidden paradises’ in Jogja that we had planned to visit was Wisata Alam Kalibiru or Kalibiru Nature Tourism at Kulonprogo, Wates, Jogja.

Screenshot from my Instagram feeds, January 2016.
At that time, this beautiful place was not so popular as it is now. Kalibiru with its amazing landscape already got my attention since I knew it from my Instagram’s newsfeeds a few months before finally I made it to visit this wonderful place in January 2016. And can you guys guess what I felt that time? I was so pleased and satisfied as well. Cause finally, the long and exhausted journey paid off by Kalibiru‘s gorgeous scenery.
Believe it or not, before traveling to Jogja I tried so hard to get much information about Jogja’s transportation, especially the public transportation to help me visiting Kalibiru. But it was not as easy as I thought. In the city center of Jogja, it was fine and okay to use some public transportation to take us traveling around the city. But, it was totally different when I traveled outside the Jogja city borders.

Posing on the streetside with the background view of Waduk Sermo and the mountains at Kulonprogo, Wates, Jogja.
I spent about 3 days in Jogja and Kalibiru was the first destination in my first day schedule besides exploring the city of Jogja itself. Unfortunately, based on my personal experience Jogja hasn’t been providing a very good public transportation to reach Kalibiru. It was a little bit awkward for sure. I had to search another way and information about the transport needs that could help me heading to Kalibiru. So, I asked Google and read some people’s experience who had traveled to Kalibiru.
Then, I got people’s recommendation. It said that I and my friend should better go with the rental car or bike. But… of course it took another deliberation between me and my friend. Was the rental safe? Was it comfortable? Was it trustworthy?
So, at the end we were forced to choose a rental motorbike to Kalibiru. And guess how long did I need to wait for the owner to bring us a motorbike? Almost 2 damn hours! So frustrating!

Me and my rental bike in front of the board of Waduk Sermo, Kulonprogo, Wates, Jogja.
Although I used Google to help me finding the solution about how to reach Kalibiru by car or bike rental, but I really didn’t get any trusted website or online platform to make finding the transport needs easily. At that time, I found only the local motorbike rental provider.
Well, after 2 years it’s absolutely different now! Lately, when I was doing my newest article on my blog, I just found out the website or an online automotive rental and driver hire platform which is designed to make finding the new ride and transport needs easily. It’s gonna be a very good solution for the easy traveling experiences. Wow! Can you guess what? So, here it is. I Proudly introduce “Automo“.
Do you ever hear Automo before, guys? Please say ‘hi’ and ‘hello’ to Automo if you never know about it before. And so, here i’m proudly introducing to you “Automo“.
Their simple and easy to use system allow users to navigate through the myriad of options across Singapore and Indonesia at any budget you may have. Their main priority is customer’s satisfaction. So, every booking at Automo will come with local support between the customers and the vendor to make their booking a seamless experience.
Whether it is hiring a driver for holiday, renting a car or motorbike for the weekend as well as a commercial vehicle for business needs; Automo connects world-wide customers directly to rental companies and driver services easily. Booking your ride is as easy as a click away!
“If only Automo was launched in 2016, I would surely pick this as my ride to explore Jogja” – Firmansyah
Why? Because Automo strives to make an automobile rental as simple and straightforward without any hidden costs or unexpected issues. So that, by removing the secrecy and giving users the transparency of service provider, all customers can make a better informed decision on their selection and preference.
Furthermore, the partners of Automo or the local vendors also provide a wide range of selection of different categories and at a full range of price points to cater to your individual budget needs and requirements.
Are you bored enough of generic transportation? Automo will be your number one choice to help you.
Yes! Because Automo is not just your typical automotive rental company but an automotive lifestyle portal for all your needs. So, you can find your unique automotive experience in Indonesia at Automo now! What a luxurious experience! 🙂

Rest assured that bookings made through the portal are strictly regulated and monitored by Automo team to ensure that all bookings are provided with the best customer service. Automo works closely with the partners to ensure the best possible selection of vehicles and communication with customers.
So, what are you waiting for, guys? This is 2018 and Automo will help you making easy travel comes true. Book your ride with Automo and have fun! 🙂
- Author’s Personal Experience of Exploring Jogja in 2016
- Official Website of Automo
This article is written as a participant in “Automo Blog Competition – Share Your Travel Experience” held by Automo.
14 Komentar
Joe Candra P · September 19, 2018 pada 12:35 pm
Ampun lah sama pak guru Bahasa Inggris yg satu ini mantabbbb bang
Firmansyah · September 19, 2018 pada 4:18 pm
Hehehe.. Thank you Bang Joe, paling bisa emang muji orang. 🙂 You too bang, awesome.
Amir · September 19, 2018 pada 12:48 pm
Kagak ngerti ngerti gue, abis pake basa Spanyol gitu, eh, Engslish hehehe, sukses Bang
Firmansyah · September 19, 2018 pada 4:19 pm
Hehehe.. bisa aja nih Mas Amir merendahnya. 😀 Sukses juga buat Mas Amir. Semoga berkahnya nular ke aku ya. Aaamiin.
Ameliasepta · September 19, 2018 pada 3:58 pm
Woaaaaa keren banget kak perjalanan ke Jogjanya, jadi automo itu bisa banget yah memudahkita untuk travelling. Patut dicobaa!
Firmansyah · September 19, 2018 pada 4:21 pm
Iya Makasih kakak Amel. Jogja emang keren bgt sih, apalagi Kalibiru itu. 🙂
Iya AUTOMO bisa jadi solusi untuk mempermudah urusan traveling kita. Keren deh…
naztaaa · September 19, 2018 pada 8:05 pm
Goks! Semua in English. Apalah daku yang hanya remah-remah penduduk bekas jajahan. Sukses yo! Jogja emang kece badai
Firmansyah · September 19, 2018 pada 11:40 pm
Hahaha bisa aja si Mamih. 🙂 Aaamiin. Iya Jogja emang kece dan selalu buat rindu. Hehe
Feriald · September 20, 2018 pada 7:00 am
bisa belajar bahasa inggris nih saya kalau bang firman terus nulis in english mah. Hehe
Firmansyah · September 21, 2018 pada 6:26 pm
Hehee… Alhamdulillah kalo bisa bermanfaat seperti itu ya, Kang
Anjar Setyoko · September 22, 2018 pada 8:49 am
I reading the post slowly, because
my english skills not better than you Mr Firman., Thank’s for sharing and good luck with your blog competition
Firmansyah · September 22, 2018 pada 10:18 am
Wow.. Thank you so much Mas Anjar. Hehee
I’m not better than you. We are just the same. 🙂
Aly Chiman · Maret 19, 2019 pada 5:07 am
Hello there,
My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at bangfirman.com promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ?
We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well
If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know.
Firmansyah · Maret 19, 2019 pada 8:25 am
Yes, please. Never mind. 🙂